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Cat flu is a disease caused by a virus cats Feline Herpesvirus, calicivirus, feline chlamydiosis, Feline Mycoplasma, and bacterial infections. The type of virus is not contagious to humans.


Cat flu caused by the virus can also cause 'eyes belekan' or conjuctivitis although specific flu symptoms have not appeared, such as sneezing, mucus from the nose, fever, thrush cats, and strep throat, causing a decrease in appetite in cats.

Cat flu contagion spreads through saliva, fluid sneezing, contact with contaminated equipment, as well as of chemicals. The incubation period can be up to 3 weeks, meaning that the cat may not show any symptoms of the flu virus to 3 weeks of the attack.

Handling cat flu need the full attention of the owner or authorized veterinarian. To date there are no special cat flu drugs sold in the market, as you can provide preventive routine vaccination when the cat is in good health. Cat vaccination before the age of 3 months.

How to Cure Cat Naturally:

Propolis is a substance produced by honey bees collected from the buds and young leaves are mixed with the saliva of bees, Propolis is used by bees to patch and sterilize their hives from viruses, bacteria, fungi etc. In this day and age, propolis is widely used as a natural alternative solution to the healing of a wide range of serious illnesses including to address, treat and cure your pet cat. flu-like cats, cat diarrhea, vomiting cat, cat coughing, watery eyes cat, cat wounds, fungus on the cat, and so on.

To cure diseases such as cat: cat flu, cough cats, cat diarrhea, vomiting cat then simply by dropping one drop of propolis into the cat's mouth and is given as 1 time a day.

To the outside such as wound healing and mushrooms, then you simply clean the affected part first and then apply evenly propolis. Repeat 3 times a day until your pet cat recover.

If you have difficulty to shed propolis directly to your cat's mouth as often spit out again by the cat, the other way is to mix a tablespoon of water with 1 drop of propolis and then inserted into the injection spet then inserted into the cat's mouth sprayed. Or it could also mix 1 drop of propolis into a glass of water used for drinking cat daily to maintain the health of your cat.