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6 Ways to Eliminate Body Odor

6 Ways to Eliminate Body Odor 

Underarm odor caused by perspiration, dead skin cells, and bacteria in the armpit part. Have underarm odor in making our confidence is reduced. Even if underarm sweating a little then will issue a very pungent odor.

Other causes of underarm odor can be caused by problems of food, hormones, and no balance diet.
Drug underarm odor lots scattered on the market. Even has become a necessity of everyday applying the drug to the armpit. But here we have tips and natural way of treating your armpit. And the following tips to keep you try.

6 Powerful Ways to Remove Body Odor Naturally :

1. Eliminate Body Odor with Bath Regularly
Body odor can occur if an irregular pattern of our lives, such as we rarely bathe. Therefore if you want to get rid of body odor, wash regularly three times a day.

2. Coping with Water Body Odor Betel leaf decoction
Already know betel leaves, right? The tablets leaf has many benefits, which is one of the benefits is to eliminate body odor really easy way. Provide approximately 30 sheets / taste betel leaf. Mix with water 1 to taste. Then heat until the water is really boiling. After the intervention of the betel cooking water with cold water to the cooking water is not too hot. After that, wash with boiling water betel leaf. Do this on a regular basis

3. Treating Body Odor with Drinking Water Betel leaf decoction
In addition to the way bathed, betel leaf can also be taken in order to optimize the results. How to use it easily. We only need to provide a few pieces of betel leaf, then soak with 1 cup of water. Wait until the water is cold immersion betel leaves, and then consume. To be more comfortable, you can also add white sugar.

4. Eliminate Body Odor with Lime
Take 1 orange then Otong and take the water. After that mix the lemon juice with betel leaves and lime. Then you apply on the body as a trusted source such as underarm body odor.

5. Eliminate Body Odor with Cloves
Cloves are one bagaiana of spices that can be used to repel body odor. The trick, take a few pieces of clove bud and then soak it with water until the cloves fruit expands. After the water is drunk. If you want, you can also add sugar to taste better. Or you can also apply clove immersion water in your armpit.

6. Eliminate Body with Cucumber
Provide 1 cucumber, then peel the cucumber. After the instigation of the cucumber pieces on the body smell every time you finish a shower.

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