The mean disease or hemorrhoids hemorrhoid veins / swollen veins in the rectum anus, they almost resemble varicose veins that are often encountered in the foot. In the event of swelling of the veins, there is irritation, itching, pain, or even bleeding.
In general, Ambien is divided into two:
Internal Hemorrhoid, swelling occurs in the rectum that can not be seen or touched. This type of swelling is painless because there are few nerves in the rectum area. Signs that can be known is bleeding during defecation. The problem is not so simple anymore, when the internal hemorrhoid is an enlarged and out to the edge of the anus that causes pain. Piles seen this pink after recovery can enter their own, but can also be pushed in.
External hemorrhoid attack the anus, causing pain, burning, and itching. If pushed out by the stool, hemorrhoids can lead to clots (thrombosis), which makes the hemorrhoid blue-purple.
Symptoms Ambien:
Symptoms common and easily recognizable is the presence of blood droplets come out with feces (stool) when someone defecating. Signs like these mostly are not accompanied by pain and include the types of internal Ambeyen. The blood drop caused by a ruptured blood vessel because they do not withstand the pressure. But if there is blood during bowel movements, sometimes people can not distinguish whether it Ambeyen symptoms or symptoms of other diseases such as colon cancer, chronic gastritis, and others. If this happens, it is necessary to make sure your health care professional or doctor's examination.
There are 5 Troubleshooting Tips Ambien, including:
Overcoming Hemorrhoid With Aloe Vera
Take the pulp of aloe leaf 1/2 that has been cleaned up and disposed of thorns. Then add the grated 1/2 cup cooking water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir and strain. Drink the potion 3 times a day until healed. To assist the process of treatment, apply aloe vera already juiced and mixed norit and gambier powder to taste the anal region suffering from hemorrhoid.
Overcoming Hemorrhoid With Guava
Rinse several sheets of young guava leaf and 1 piece of stone that are not peeled banana. Puree and squeeze to remove the water. Drinking the juice every day on a regular basis to heal hemorrhoid disease.
Overcoming Hemorrhoid With Leaves Bark
Boil 3 leaves bark in 1 cup of water. Strain and add brown sugar to taste. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis. This treatment for hemorrhoids that have not been severe and the disease usually recover within 15 days.
Overcoming Hemorrhoid With Garlic
Finely crushed garlic to taste and squeeze and take the water. Apply the juice of garlic around the anus every day.
Overcoming Hemorrhoid With Ear Mushrooms
Boil 15 grams of mushroom add sugar to taste. The results of this stew eaten for several days.
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