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How to Eliminate Acne Naturally

How to Eliminate Acne Naturally

Incidence of Acne on the face it can be very disturbing specter perfection of one's appearance, not hayal for some people who have a lot of money they do not hesitate to spend money that is not little for skin care that is free from acne.

If there are people who are willing to spend a lot of money for facials, of course, we can also do facials but do not have to spend very, very much but with mengularkan perhaps only one tenth or in fact does not exist, we could do with a natural skin care ingredients that exist in nature or bought with cheap material.

Indeed, our bodies will naturally produce an oil glands, oil glands later can make your skin moist alias is not easy to dry and dull, but if the production of oil glands in the body of excessive then this is what will make the onset of acne problem on your face. So to overcome that you can do the hard way not classified below.

6 Tips to Eliminate Acne

1. How to Treat Acne With Egg White
To do that, separate the egg yolks and egg whites only grab. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes. The egg white will help reduce the oil on the face that often causes acne.

2. How To Treat Acne With Toothpaste
One thing to remember here toothpaste used is shaped pasta (like Pepsodent) not shaped gel (such as Close Up). Almost the same way both of the above premises. Apply toothpaste on acne and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until morning and then rinse with clean water.

3. How to Treat Acne With Tomatoes
This fruit other than good for eye health is also quite effective at removing black comedones (blackheads). The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub all over your face with acne and leave for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse. and eat for the treatment of in.

4. How to Treat Acne With Aloe Vera
Caution Do not use the original tongue from the mouth of the crocodile yes, he,, Take a leaf of aloe vera, cut into several parts, peel the outer skin, apply at the emerging pimples, and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon. If you are patient enough, acne may be able to dry up and flake off for 3 days. In addition, aloe vera is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars. Once again the key is only one, painstaking. !!

5. How to Treat Acne With Garlic
There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne. First with two or more mashing garlic until quite smooth and then applied to the facial acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. While the second way is to take one or more of garlic every day.
Many say this is quite efekktif both ways, but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic might be better to take another way. Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below.

6. How to Treat Acne With Always Clean Face
Always take care of cleanliness face every day of dirt and dust on the road. For we are always active and dealing with road dust, so be diligent to clean the face before or after the activity. As consumption from the inside, then multiply eat vegetables and drink water. Those who do not like vegetables.!, Then fruit containing water can be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because of the content contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make your face more clean and radiant.

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