- Joints ache, aches, pains, tingling and even swollen and reddish (inflamed)
- Usually the joints ache in the morning (just woken up) or night.
- Feels pain in the joints occur repeatedly.
- Which usually attacked toe joints, fingers, knees, ankles, wrists and elbows.
- In the event of severe cases, joints ached when will move.
Most people with gout also have other diseases such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes or kidney disease also. But obesity factors (obesity) are also often seen in people with gout. If gout is not immediately treat the disease may progress to kidney stones and can ultimately lead to kidney failure gout sufferers are.
The cause of gout :
- Consumption of substances that contain purine excess.
- Purine substances in large quantities in the body, then through turn into uric acid metabolism.
- An increase in levels of uric acid in the body, so that the kidneys are not able to get rid of excess uric acid.
- The amount of excess uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints.
- As a result of our joint pain, swollen, inflamed, hot and stiff.
In the event of severe cases, gout sufferers unable to walk because of the joints is painful at all if it moves. Bone around the joint can also be porous and suffered bone calcification.
Foods That Cause Gout occurrence is :
- Offal - All kinds of food from the stomach of the animal, including usu, kidney, liver, lung, spleen, and brain.
- Seafood - foods that are made from marine animals, especially shrimp, squid, cuttlefish, clams, mussels, oysters, crabs, anchovies, sardines.
- Processed meats such as Shredded and Jerky - Processed meats also contain high levels of purines, so it should be avoided.
- Canned Food - Canned food that contains high purine substances such as sardines, corned beef, etc.
- Four Legged Meat Animal - Animal quadrupeds such as goats, sheep, cow, and horse are also high in purines.
- Meat Poultry - Poultry meat containing high purine them are chicken, duck, turkey.
- Nuts - Many types of nuts that include high purine content, such is peanuts, green beans, bean sprouts, chips.
- Vegetables - Vegetables are high in purines such mendandung is cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, beans, mushroom, cassava leaves, papaya, spinach.
- Foods rich in protein and fat
- Certain fruits - certain fruits such as pineapple, coconut, and durian.
- Fried foods - includes bersantan or cooked foods by using margarine / butter
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