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Junk Food Guy

It is undeniable that most of people like to eat fast food, it seems difficult to deny if almost everyone has to eat it. Well when we are shopping in the supermarket or at home when watching a movie we are also accompanied with junk food.

Picture : Junk Food

Moreover, in every occasion we consume foods junk food, we also consume soft drinks to accompany fast food. And this is generally not only by adults but also children.

Junk food, today is the food most often found everywhere and many people consumed, among other reasons readily available, relatively cheap price, good taste and attractive appearance. Pizza, fried chicken, burgers, fries and a variety of soft drinks are very popular example of junk food, and even has become a mandatory meal everyday for some people.


Here is the content that is harmful in the Junk Food:

1. Saturated Fat

As a result of industrial processed food, junk food usually contain a lot of saturated fat. Therefore, the price is very cheap and when heated can withstand high temperatures. The danger, could be a source of saturated fat obesity and increased levels of cholesterol in the blood. when the condition occurs in a person, then the other serious health problems will be triggered, such as stroke.

2. Salt

Salt or sodium chloride is the womb of junk food that also need to be addressed carefully. Salt levels are good for consumption is not more than 5 grams per day, and is highly recommended for adults who have normal blood pressure. meanwhile, the salt content of junk food is usually relatively high
We do need this flavoring substances to help the body's metabolic functions. However, when excessive eating bland relievers, the risk of high blood pressure will rise.

3. Sugar

The content of other junk food bigger is sugar.
Soft drinks, biscuits, cakes, and candies contain sugar that is not little. Although it is not directly related to heart disease and diabetes, excess sugar can lead to overweight or obesity at a young age.
Other health problems that can be caused by excessive sugar is tooth decay or tooth decay, reducing cholesterol levels is useful, increase fat levels in the blood are associated with diabetes, and heart disease.

4. Taste Enhancer or additive

Other substances contained in excessive junk food is additive or additives. Generally, these additives are used to preserve and maintain the color, flavor, and shape.


In addition to the above, the risk is:

1. Causes Low IQ in Children

Research from the University of Adelaide show that diet laden junk food in small age, will make lower IQ two points of many children who do not eat junk food as a child.

Although the difference in IQ is not so obvious, this study proves that the diet of children aged 6 to 24 months giving a small but significant effect on IQ when the age of 8 years. Therefore, it is important for parents to consider the long-term impact of food given to children.

2. Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer or cancer that attacks the organs of the colon and rectum, mostly strikes people over the age of 50 years. However, in Indonesia known for some patients under the age of 50 years also suffered from this cancer.

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