Which often occurs in the elderly is due to heart disease. Could be due to lack of oxygen (coronary heart disease), or due to infection of the heart valves (bacterial endocarditis). Another disease that is often encountered is low blood glucose levels, may be a result of a drug for urinary sweetness. Besides it can be due to infection khronik (long suffered) of the urinary tract (more frequent in women), khronik lung infection (tuberculosis or because countrymen fungus), can also be caused by HIV / AIDS. Various cancer cause cold sweats eg lymphoma and other cancers. Therefore, if you often perspire, better see a doctor or clinic.
Picture : Cold Sweat
In women who are approaching menapause (premenapause) can also experience this situation, patients with hyperthyroidism also often sweating. Patients with hyperthyroidism usually thin person even eat a lot, often pounding, hands wet.
I most often encountered in practice are due to coronary heart "silent". Sometimes necessary in "treatmill" test is told to run while in the record heart. If you are able to usually subject to further examination by a cardiologist, namely the scan (multiple slices, not traumatic) if necessary, followed by coronary angiography. If my patients are not able to direct me to give medicine countryman isosorbit dinitrate. The results are very satisfactory and encouraging. The second disease that often I encounter is a urinary tract infection. Urine test results prove the existence of urinary tract infection. Usually need to take antibiotics, are kucup long. There was a mother who was cured after taking antibiotics for three more weeks. Urinary tract infections in women are often recur. So if there are symptoms of frequent urination but not thirsty, may relapse,
When a cold sweat at a certain time, can also be caused by:
1. Hold pain, any pain and cause.
2. Out vomiting, drunk or otherwise.
3. Out of taking certain medications, such as paracetamol, acetyl salicylic.
4.Vertigo. Vertigo is a feeling where as if the earth or spin around the place. Often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. If the blood pressure is normal, wills not too dangerous but necessary medicine to eliminate them. However, if high blood pressure, this is a warning or an alarm might be followed by a stroke. Therefore, it should not be underestimated, faster better doctor.
5.Rasa anxious. Feelings of anxiety or fear can also cause a cold sweat, but comes at a given time, ie the time arises anxiety or fear of facing either real or just something in mind.
6.Beberapa rare neurological disease, such as "autonomic neuropathy" could lead to increased secretion of sweat glands can even be a cold sweat at night.
The Cold Sweat Out While Sleeping, cause Among others:
1. Brain Injuries
Due to the presence of brain injury can affect the secretion system, one with sweat abnormal, such as cold sweats while sleeping. It also occurs in patients with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy).
2. Infection
There are several infections that affect the response of the immune system, such as tuberculosis, osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves), and HIV.
3. Menopause
At the time of menopause, the levels of certain hormones such as estrogen and progesterone will drop and can cause cold sweats while sleeping.
4. idiopathic hyperhidrosis
Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a chronic condition in which the body produces too much sweat without medical cause can be identified.
4. Cancer
Cold sweat also an early symptom of cancer, particularly lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system).
5. Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders like sleep apnea can cause a cold sweat when sleeping and accompanied by respiratory disorders.
6. Other diseases
Diseases such as anemia, low blood pressure, epilepsy, and hypothyroidism can also cause a cold sweat.
7. Drugs
Alcohol, antidepressants, fever medication, birth control pills, aspirin, niacin, acetaminophen can trigger a cold sweat during sleep. In men, sweating can occur because the drugs sildenafil.
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