Oral cancer is a type of cancer that grows around the mouth. Oral cancer can develop in any part of the oral cavity or oropharynx. Most oral cancers begin in the tongue and floor of the mouth. Almost all oral cancers begin in the flat cells (squamous cells) that cover the surface of the mouth, tongue, and lips. This cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. When oral cancer spreads (metastasizes), it usually travels through the lymphatic system. Cancer cells that enter the lymphatic system which is carried by the lymph, liquid, clear watery. Cancer cells often appear first in nearby lymph nodes in the neck. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the neck, lungs, and other parts of the body. When this happens, the new tumor has the same kind of abnormal cells as the primary tumor. For example, if oral cancer spreads to the lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually oral cancer cells. The disease is metastatic oral cancer, not lung cancer. It is treated as oral cancer, not lung cancer. Doctors sometimes call the new tumor "distant" or metastatic disease.
A. Causes of Oral Cancer
Oral cancer occurs when cells in the lips or mouth DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continue to grow and thrive, while others have a normal cell cycle of life and death. Accumulation of oral cancer cells can form tumors. Can spread to other areas of the head and neck and can also spread to other body parts.
Oral cancer most originated from thin cells that line the lips and the inside of the mouth (squamous cells). It is not clear what causes these cells to mutate. But doctors have identified factors that increase the risk of oral cancer.
B. Tips to prevent oral cancer
1. Always brush and flossing regularly
The risk of developing oral cancer cells can be reduced by maintaining oral health. Conditions unhealthy mouth reduces the immune system and inhibit the body's ability to fight cancer. Brush your teeth regularly at least 2 times a day and clean the teeth with a special thread (flossing).
2. Do not smoke or chew tobacco products
Nicotine contained in tobacco products not only can damage the lungs but also the mouth. Nicotine will make your mouth becomes acidic conditions and unhealthy, so can increase the risk of oral cancer. Stop smoking or chewing tobacco products such as bersirih using tobacco.
3. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
The risk of developing oral cancer increases with increasing the quantity and duration of a person consumes alcohol.
4. Limit your exposure to sunlight
Use sun protection on your lips when you are in the sun. Repeated sun exposure may increase the risk of cancer of the lips, especially the lower lip. Choose products lipstick or lip balm that contains sunscreen for everyday use.
5. Exercise regularly
An active lifestyle and healthy are known to boost the immune system and help prevent cancer throughout the body, including cancer of the mouth.
6. Eating anti-cancer
The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends to eat a lot of nuts, fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed, garlic, grapes, green tea, soy and tomato to prevent cancer. Diet and nutrition have become a proper method of cancer prevention.
7. Reduce process food frying
Change the way the food processing frying and grilling into boiling or steaming. Use healthy seasonings such as garlic powder, ginger and turmeric to taste.
8. Check the teeth
Check with the condition of your teeth and mouth to the dentist regularly at least every six months and asked to do an oral cancer screening to detect cancer early.
9. To examine themselves
Just as examining the possibility of breast cancer, risk of oral cancer can also be checked at home. The trick is to open the mouth wide in front of the mirror and examine all parts of the mouth, including the back and sides of the tongue.
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