Asperger syndrome or Asperger's Disorder (SA) is a symptom of brain neural development disorder whose name is taken from an Austrian national physician, Hans Asperger, who in 1944 published a paper describing the patterns of behavior of some boys have a level of intelligence and development normal language, but also exhibit similar behavior autism, as well as deficient in social relationships and communication skills. Although the paper that has been published since the 1940s, but new Asperger Syndrome put in the category of DSM IV in 1994 and the last few years new Asperger Syndrome is known by experts and parents.
Because it has an excessive feeling too sensitive to sound, taste, smell and sight, they prefer soft clothing, certain foods and being distracted by a commotion or lighting the lamp which normal people can not hear or see it. It is important to note that with SA view the world in different ways. Therefore, a lot of strange behavior and outstanding caused by differences in the neurobiology, not because of brute force or effect intentionally disrespectful, and more importantly, is not due 'nurtured parents who are not true'.
People with Asperger syndrome have some characteristics of autism. For example, they may have poor social skills, more like routine, and do not like change. But unlike children with autism, children with Asperger syndrome usually start talking before the age of 2 years, the age at which children begin to develop the ability to speak.
Asperger syndrome is a lifelong condition, but the symptoms tend to improve over time. Adults with this condition can learn to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. And they can improve their social skills.
Sindom Asperger's tend to run in families. Therefore, researchers conducted a study to find genetic causes. Asperger syndrome is more common in men than women.
Very difficult to relate to others. This does not mean that they avoid social contact. However, they have less instincts and skills to help them express their thoughts and feelings and realize the feelings of others.
Might be disturbed by loud noise, light, or strong flavor or texture.
Liked the fixed routine. Change is a difficult thing for them.
May not recognize verbal and nonverbal cues or understand social norms. For example, they might stare at someone else, do not make eye contact, or do not know what is the meaning of one's personal space.
May have the ability to speak a flat and hard to understand because of the lack of tone, intonation, and accent. Or they may have developed formal speaking style for children their age.
Because it has an excessive feeling too sensitive to sound, taste, smell and sight, they prefer soft clothing, certain foods and being distracted by a commotion or lighting the lamp which normal people can not hear or see it. It is important to note that with SA view the world in different ways. Therefore, a lot of strange behavior and outstanding caused by differences in the neurobiology, not because of brute force or effect intentionally disrespectful, and more importantly, is not due 'nurtured parents who are not true'.
People with Asperger syndrome have some characteristics of autism. For example, they may have poor social skills, more like routine, and do not like change. But unlike children with autism, children with Asperger syndrome usually start talking before the age of 2 years, the age at which children begin to develop the ability to speak.
Asperger syndrome is a lifelong condition, but the symptoms tend to improve over time. Adults with this condition can learn to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. And they can improve their social skills.
Sindom Asperger's tend to run in families. Therefore, researchers conducted a study to find genetic causes. Asperger syndrome is more common in men than women.
Very difficult to relate to others. This does not mean that they avoid social contact. However, they have less instincts and skills to help them express their thoughts and feelings and realize the feelings of others.
Might be disturbed by loud noise, light, or strong flavor or texture.
Liked the fixed routine. Change is a difficult thing for them.
May not recognize verbal and nonverbal cues or understand social norms. For example, they might stare at someone else, do not make eye contact, or do not know what is the meaning of one's personal space.
May have the ability to speak a flat and hard to understand because of the lack of tone, intonation, and accent. Or they may have developed formal speaking style for children their age.
Perhaps the lack of coordination have facial expressions or body postures or gestures that unusual or somewhat awkward.
Might have bad handwriting or have problems with motor skills, such as riding a bike.
May have only one or a few interests, or they may just focus on a few things. For example, they might show interest in excess of the snake or the name of a star or can draw very detailed.
Might have bad handwriting or have problems with motor skills, such as riding a bike.
May have only one or a few interests, or they may just focus on a few things. For example, they might show interest in excess of the snake or the name of a star or can draw very detailed.
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