Causes and Symptoms of Meningitis - Contagious. Meningitis is highly contagious through saliva or mucus fluid when children sneeze, talk, laugh or cough and inhaled Oleg others when they breathe. Transmision can also occur if the children eat or drink with patients of dishes and glasses are the same. In fact, wearing a towel, hold a new tissue is used to clean the nose, you can also be a transmission medium. Patients with meningitis will still transmit the disease as long as they show symptoms of the disease. In fact, patients who menagitis cause bacteria, they can transmitted the disease about 24 hours after they were given antibiotics.
Causes. Generally the cause is bacterial or viral, sometimes also caused by fungi, protozoa and parasites. Compared with viral meningitis, bacterial meningitis is quite rare. However, bacterial meningitis can result in very serious condition if not treated properly. For example occurs multiple disabilities, such as paralysis and mental disorders.
Symptoms. Came a few days after the toddler cough colds, diarrhea and vomiting, which are signs of bacteria or viral infection. between other things:
Fever (around 39ยบ C)
Fatigue, weakness and cranky.
Headaches and the eye sensitivity to light.
Stiff neck, sometimes skins rash and skin yellow and seizures.
Do not want to eat, or drink milk.
Bawling like pain.
Crests baby is still open may seem showy and loud.
At a very young baby, classic symptoms can appear lazy feeding, and looked lethargic and weak.
Incubation period: 2-14 days
Handling. Once children are diagnosed with meningitis, he needs to be hospitalized. With maximum handling, bacterial meningitis can recover about 3 weeks. Keep children consume lots of fluids and break.
Do Hib / pneumococcus.
Keep the hand washing, especially before eating.
Avoid contact with someone who is very sick.
Avoid foods or drinks or plates of the same glass.
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