In order to fetal development goes well, and pregnant women can undergo the days of her pregnancy with a healthy, eat pregnant women should consume nutrients as follows:
Calories. During pregnancy calorie consumption must increase the range of 300-400 kcal per day. Calories in must be derived from food sources varies, where healthy eating 4 to 5 perfect as a reference. Fortunately, 55% of calories obtained from tubers and rice as a source of carbohydrates, good fats, vegetable or animal as much as 35%, 10% from protein and vegetables and fruits can be complementary.
Folic Acid. The fetus is in dire need of folic acid in large quantities to the formation of cells and the nervous system. During the first trimester, the fetus will require additional folic acid is 400 micrograms per day. If the fetus is suffering from a lack of folic acid, it will make the development of the fetus is not perfect and can make the fetus is born with abnormalities such as having anenchephaly (without skull), having a cleft lip and spina bifda (a condition in which the spine is not connected). Folic acid can be in the fruit, brown rice and green vegetables.
Protein. In addition to being a source of calories and nutrients the builder, and the formation of blood cells is one of the functions of proteins. Protein is needed by pregnant women with a total of about 60 grams per day or 10 grams more than usual. Protein can be obtained from nuts, tempeh, egg whites, meat and tofu.
Calcium. Functioning in the growth and formation of bones and teeth of the fetus. With no adequate calcium during pregnancy, pregnant women can be spared from osteoporosis. Why does this happen? because if women do not have enough calcium, then the fetus needs calcium to be taken from the bones of his mother. Milk and other processed products are good sources of calcium, in addition to calcium, milk contains vitamins and other necessary pregnant women, vitamin A equivalent, Vitamin D, Vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin C. In addition to milk, nuts and green vegetables are good source of calcium as well.
Vitamin A. It is useful for the preservation of eye function, bone growth and skin. In addition, vitamin A also serves as an immunity and growth of the fetus. However meskiun vitamin A is needed by pregnant women, but not be allowed to consume in excess, as if pregnant women have excess vitamin A can make it stunted fetus.
Ferrum. Functions in the formation of blood, especially of red blood cells, hemoglobin and reduces the risk of maternal anemia. Iron will be required at the time of pregnancy entered the age of 20 weeks. The need for iron is 30 mg per day. Iron can be found in the liver of animals, meat or fish.
Vitamin C. The body of pregnant women need vitamin C in order to absorb iron. In addition, vitamin C is good for the health of the gums and teeth. Another function of vitamin C is to protect the network from various organs of the body like the brain damage as well as provide a chemical signal, it happened because vitamin C contains antioxidants.
Vitamin D. Can meneyerap calcium so it is beneficial in the formation and growth of the baby's bones. Vitamin D can be obtained from a source of food, milk, egg yolks, liver or fish.
If pregnant women do not experience a variety of symptoms such as anemia, bleeding gums and other symptoms, so pregnant women can be said to have adequate nutrition and nutritional. It is more important to check the adequacy of nutrition during pregnancy is certainly through the development of weight gain during pregnancy. Of course, weight gain varies each month.
But what if the expectant mother during pregnancy nutrition deficiency? then this could have an impact on the occurrence of a baby born prematurely, resulting in miscarriage, abnormalities of the nervous system in babies, the developing fetus is not normal, even to cause fetal death. So, pay attention to proper nutrition during the pregnancy, to keep in mind, do not meet the nutritional needs because of the quantity, but the quality of nutrition with balanced composition and quite, which is very important.
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