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Symptoms Lymph Nodes

The definition of lymph node cancer or lymphoma is a malignant cancer that is associated with the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system and served in shaping the body's natural defense against infection and cancer.

Symptoms Lymph Nodes

Lymphatic fluid itself is a white liquid like milk fat and protein containing lymphocytes which all flow throughout the body via the lymphatic vessels.Common symptoms are felt by patients with lymphoma include swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin. The following information details.Here is The Cause of Cancer Lymph Nodes:
  •     Heredity
  •     A weakened immune system
  •     Environmental toxin or herbicide mengadung stout food and food preservatives and chemical  dyes.
  •     Lack of exercise
  •     Beverages containing alcohol
  •     Lack of drinking water
  •     Smoking, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle
Some other causes are:Infection => Mechanism swollen lymph nodes due to infection is by increasing the number of white blood cells (lymphocytes) by means of multiplication in response to the presence of foreign substances into the body (antigen).

Virus => Reaction defense against common infections caused by viruses usually include fever accompanying swelling lymph nodes.

Inflammation => Mechanisms of inflammation occur during infection of lymph nodes by foreign substances. Inflammation is a form of white blood cells that die by foreign substances.

Cancer => infiltration mechanism of cancer cells in lymph nodes is also often cause swelling. In fact, swollen lymph nodes can be hard and can spread to the lymph nodes in other places.

Blood cancer => blood cancer may not look like ordinary cancer makes swollen lymph nodes. However, the blood cancer, the production of lymphocytes in the lymph nodes are very numerous and uncontrollable. This situation we refer to as lymphoma or leukemia.

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