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What Symptoms in People Affected by HIV

What Symptoms in People Affected by HIV

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV itself is a virus that can infect cause if a decreased ability to fight infection by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites that enter the body. The HIV virus works by attacking the human immune system. This virus also causes cancer sufferers vulnerable to attack because of the declining immunity.

While AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is an advanced stage of HIV infection. HIV transmission can occur through blood, semen, or vaginal fluids intercourse. However, this virus can not be transmitted through casual physical contact such as hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with someone who is infected with HIV or AIDS. So, we do not need to isolate them.

The symptoms are:

What are the symptoms of HIV:

1. Weight loss
Weight loss can be a sign of infection has increased or diarrhea. PLWHA will still lose weight drastically despite eating a lot.

2. Sweating at night
Some people often sweating at night during the early stages of HIV infection.

3. Mild fever (less than about 39 degrees Celsius)
You often experience mild fever accompanied by symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat.

4. Swelling of the lymph
swollen lymph nodes inflammation and infection. These glands are found in the armpits, thighs, and neck.

5. Headache
Hiv positive someone, you will feel constant headaches, fever and body weak.

6. Sore throat
With a body that is weak and makes the decline in HIV infected and the body can be exposed to the flu, sore throat and cough.

7. The sensitivity of the skin
With little scratches in the body and the skin alone can make cuts even so rash and bloody.

8. Nausea and diarrhea
Loss of appetite, like vomiting and food can not be digested by bacteria in the digestive system that is broken and missing.

9. Substitution nail color
nails are subject to change and are not as healthy as the shape damaged by yeast and fungal infections of the nails.

10. Sweating at night
Same with the menopausal women, people with hiv positive can always sweating at night and sleep soundly.

11. infection or genital sores
This disease virus in the form of lenders who can make infections like herpes and genital sores on step further.

12. Tingling in the hands and feet
HIV-positive patients is always a tingling sensation all over the body. Body as if stabbed from fingertips to toes, which takes place when the virus began to alter the nervous system.

13. Confusion and memory loss
This virus can make people lose the function of brain cells. Such as dementia, confusion and memory loss for the part after developing an infection.

14. Menstrual irregularities
Women with HIV would be difficult to hit the mark in their menstrual cycle, with the state of irregular and slightly. This is because the amount of blood that fell.

15. Body weight dropped precipitously
The symptoms of HIV at the level of advanced hiv, HIV-positive patients can make diarrhea and infection and decrease body berta.

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