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Characteristics of Brain Cancer

Brain cancer itself is a cancer that occurs due to the presence of cancer cells growing in the brain tissue. This disease is one of the deadly disease because the disease is able to paralyze the nerves of the brain.

Characteristics of Brain Cancer 
Picture : Brain Cancer

Cancer can affect anyone regardless of age and social status. So everyone needs to be careful not to hit the cancer disease. One way is to find the cause of the illness.

Here are some characteristics of brain cancer:

1. Easy to get headaches
    Prolonged headache and came repeatedly can be a symptom of brain cancer.

2. Easy nausea
    Often nausea can also be a symptom of brain cancer.

3. The body limp
    Brain cancer patients usually experience a limp body. To that end, if the body is limp although not         do heavy work, it needs to be watched.

4. It is difficult to walk
    Brain cancer sufferers will also experience a difficult running conditions. Each will run it seems           staggering. Symptoms of brain cancer is caused by the body's control activity in the brain is                disrupted by the presence of cancer cells.

5. It is difficult to hear and see
    There is a change also in the sense of hearing and sight. Patients will experience reduced hearing         and vision. Symptoms of brain cancer will worsen rapidly as the severity of the cancer cells biting       into the brain.
6. Numbness in the feet and hands
    Symptoms of brain cancer is also characterized by the occurrence of numbness in the feet and           hands. Both organs are impaired due to central nervous also being harassed by the cancer cells.
7. Difficulty concentrating
    The attack on the brain makes patients also have difficulty concentrating. It will become very            difficult to finish the job properly due to loss of concentration.
8. Decreased memory and response
    Automatic brain cancer patients will also experience memory loss as well as the body's response.        This is problematic organs affected brain started "controlled" ?? cancer cells.

9. Decreased sense of smell
    In addition to the sense of hearing and vision decline, brain cancer symptoms are also seen in               the declining sense of smell. Patients difficult to maintain a sense of smell as before.

10. Paralyzed on the part of the face or body
      In some cases, patients may also experience partial paralysis on her face or in part. This indicates         that one of the brain is experiencing the onslaught of cancer cells.

11. Sleepiness prolonged
      It also can be a symptom of brain cancer. People who experience prolonged drowsiness, though         it was enough sleep, could be an indication that something is not normal in the brain.

12. The cessation of menstruation is not normal
      For women, the cessation of menstruation is not normal also need to watch out. Because it could         be showing the symptoms of brain cancer or other types of cancer could be.

13. A healthy lifestyle, diet and balanced nutrition, regular exercise and health checks diligent doctor is       one way to avoid this dangerous disease.

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