How To Cure Eye Myopic - Various studies suggest that people who live in urban areas, have a greater risk for eye disease minus than those who live and stay in the countryside.
Because most people spend more time in urban or activity with visibility close, like the move in front of the screen with a long time. So this will cause the eye muscles that regulate eye focus and eventually will be familiar with such conditions. As a result, when viewing a distant object, the eye does not function properly, because already accustomed to seeing objects at close range.
Other things such as nutrition also influential, if you are not a good diet can cause damage to the eye. For example, a shortage eating vegetables containing vitamin A such as carrots, peppers and others, eventually you are deficient in vitamin A and consequently your eyes become damaged.
There are various ways to cure eye minus, let us consider the following review:
1. The first tip is, try to remove the glasses that you wear if it is less necessary, such as when you are in a small space and not working of course. You can do this if they can see clearly even without wearing glasses.
2. Then, you can train the eye to see objects or distant objects without the use of glasses. For example, you can go to places like parks, hills, etc., because these places have a far viewpoint.
3. Next, you can also train the eye to see objects that are moving. For example, when you are on the highway, you can observe people, motorcycles or cars passing by on around you. View and watch every move, try to shadow you see is intact not myopic.
4. Eyes minus can also be cured with betel leaf, it is very easy. We only need 2 pieces of betel leaf, then wash the betel leaf and paste your eyes setap time you sleep. Do this with a routine to get maximum results.
5. If you are used to working in front of a computer, try every 25 minutes, take the time to move from your seat may be to simply take a drink of water and try to look out the windows/outside the house, look around your neighborhood.
6. One more unique tips by performing wax therapy, is easy enough. You just turn on lilih bullet and look without a lot of flickering candles and wait until the water out of your eyes. Although fairly simple, but he said this trapi quite potent. But somehow I also have not been proven this way. But it never hurts to try.
Several things affect the risk of myopic eyes, among others:
1. Heredity
Parents who have the eyeball axis longer than normal will produce offspring that have the eyeball axis longer than normal too. Most cases of myopia caused by inheritance from parents.
Parents who have the eyeball axis longer than normal will produce offspring that have the eyeball axis longer than normal too. Most cases of myopia caused by inheritance from parents.
Apparently, Asians have a greater tendency myopia (70% - 90%) of the Europeans and Americans (30% - 40%). The smallest is Africa (10% - 20%).
3. Less healthy behavior, for example :
a. The habit closer view continuously.
b. Reading while lying down.
c. Read in places with less lighting.
d. Reading too long without rest.
e. Less consume foods high in vitamin A.
f. Too old to work on the computer.
g. Watching television is too close
h. Play the game with a big TV and melee.
a. The habit closer view continuously.
b. Reading while lying down.
c. Read in places with less lighting.
d. Reading too long without rest.
e. Less consume foods high in vitamin A.
f. Too old to work on the computer.
g. Watching television is too close
h. Play the game with a big TV and melee.
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