Difficulty Sleeping Night
Deep sleep is the desire of every person, but deep sleep is not easy for some people. There are several factors that can make you sleep soundly becoming an. There are caused by drinking coffee, thinking about the things that smelled of horror, and many more. The activities you do that can cause you to have difficulty sleeping. If you are having difficulty sleeping and sleep late, can cause drowsiness, fatigue the next day, promote weight loss, depression and diabetes. Here is the cause of insomnia.
Eating late at night
Eating late at night can trigger GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder), in which the state of stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus which can cause acid reflux and heartburn. It can make you sleep soundly. If you want to eat on even today, it is advisable to choose foods that contain protein and complex carbohydrates for example cereals, whole wheat bread with butter cheese, nuts, and so forth. Proteins contribute to increase tryptophan, while complex carbohydrates can help make the tryptophan remains available to make people sleep. With drinking water is sufficient.
Bringing office work to bed
Takes you to the home office work may be something reasonable. But if you take her to bed, then you can not get to sleep soundly for. In addition, the work you are doing is not necessarily completed due to the condition you are tired and not thinking in fresh condition. If you are being chased 'deadline' work, finish your job is in another room. If you are tired and sleepy, sleep immediately and continue work the next day a few hours before you start to work.
Watching TV
Maybe for some people can sleep when you switch on the television and set the alarm a few minutes later to die automatically. But keep in mind, watching television can disturb your sleep comfort. Negative news as well as crime or horror movie that can mess up your mind, so that you think and you finally difficult to sleep.
Here are some ways to overcome insomnia:
Avoid the consumption of beverages that are diuretics at times at bedtime. Such as, coffee, tea, etc.
- Avoid foods that can trigger increased blood sugar levels such as ice cream, high-fat foods, red meat (beef), etc. at night.
- Consuming enough water daily to renal function can work optimally.
- Avoid the habit of consuming alcohol, drugs and the like.
- Reduce consumption of foods with artificial flavoring and preservatives. Reduce reliance on chemical drugs. Immediately switch to a more natural herbal drink, safe to eat and does not have side effects.
- Stop the use / consumption of high doses of vitamin E supplements in excess. Use instant Vit.E (artificial) in excess it will interfere with the performance metabolism.
- Calm the mind, the brain allow relaxation to pray, light breathing exercises or yoga.
- Listen to songs instrumental that can calm the mind and reduce stress after a day of work activities or other physical exercise.
Some of the tips above can be tried, but the obvious cause is the mind which tends restless. So to overcome santaikan mind and clear your mind.
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