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Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis, abbreviated as TB), or Tb (short for "tubercle bacillus") is a common infectious disease, and in many cases lethal. The disease is caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other body parts. Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person with active TB infection cough, sneeze, or spit them granules spread through the air. TB infection is generally asymptomatic and latent. However, only one out of ten cases of latent infection progressing to active disease. If TB is not treated it more than 50% of infected people can die.

Symptoms People with TB:

Patients who are infected with TB disease is common sense is not very high fever but lasted long enough and often sweat during the night. So we can anticipate this TB disease early, the following is a symptom that you should know:
  •      Continuous cough and phlegm for three weeks even more
  •      Cough with phlegm and blood (coughing up blood)
  •      Decreased appetite, resulting in weight loss
  •      Agency often feel weak and lethargic
  •      Fever and chills that can be felt by more than one month
  •      Often sweating every night for no apparent reason
  •      Shortness of breath or in pain chest

Cause TB disease:
  •      Malnutrition
  •      Often breathe air that is infected with TB
  •      Bad neighborhood

Abstinence Food For People with TB
What foods should not be consumed by people with TB disease, let us refer to abstinence for patients with tuberculosis disease following.

Fine Granulated Sugar. People with TB disease should avoid foods that use refined sugars, such as in food: white bread, white sugar, cereals, and sweet foods such as cakes and puddings
The sauce is rich in sodium and sugar. We can make apple sauce and cranberry sauce as an alternative solution.
Tea and coffee. Some may ask, why tea and coffee should not be consumed by someone who has TB disease complaint. This is because coffee and tea contain caffeine, while caffeine is a stimulant tuberculosis. But according to University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea is free from caffeine and can be used as beverage treatment to help tackle TB disease, because it contains antioxidants.
Pickles. Pickles should be avoided by people with tuberculosis. Pickle contains lots of sodium. Because intake in patients with tuberculosis should be restricted, preferably 1-2 ounces of pickle contains 850 milligrams of sodium.
Alcohol. People with TB disease are strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, because it will aggravate the disease suffered tuberculosis.