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Causes and Tips to Avoid Blood Cancer

 Causes and Tips to Avoid Blood Cancer

Leukemia in Greek leukos, "white"; aima "blood"), or more commonly known as blood cancer is a disease in cancer classification (medical term: neoplasms) in the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal multiplication or malignant transformation of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow and lymphoid tissues , generally occur in leukocytes (white blood cells). Normal cells in the bone marrow is replaced by a normal or abnormal cells. These abnormal cells out of the marrow and can be found in the peripheral blood or peripheral blood. Leukemia cells affect hematopoiesis or the formation of abnormal blood cells and immune-sufferers.

The word leukemia means white blood, because the patient has a lot of white blood cells before given therapy. White blood cells are the cells that looked much younger, for example promielosit. Progressively higher amounts can disrupt normal function of other cells.

In 2000, there were approximately 256,000 children and adults around the world suffer from a type of leukemia, and 209,000 of them died from the disease. Nearly 90% of all patients who are diagnosed with adult.

Causes of Blood Cancer

1. Exposure to Chemicals
Exposure to hazardous chemicals is one of the main risk factors for cancer of the blood. If possible, avoid situations involving hazardous chemicals in your daily activities. This includes - and not just limited to - pesticides, benzene (a chemical present in unleaded gas), herbicides, and insecticides.

The closest example to everyday life is a variety of food you consume. Vegetables and fruits are all developed with the use of various chemicals. As the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides with chemicals, preservatives, and others.

And could a little to avoid the consumption of natural foods, that is by eating organic fruits and vegetables. Although more expensive, but organic fruits and vegetables are free of chemical residues and nutritious higher than conventional fruits and vegetables or inorganic.

If you must be exposed to chemicals, try to minimize direct contact with skin and wear a mask to prevent inhalation (inhalation of chemical substances). Do not forget to wash your hands with antiseptic soap.

2. Radiation
The next blood cancer causes radiation exposure of the body continuously. Exposure to high levels of radiation are also a common risk factor causing blood cancer.

This radiation exposure include not only individuals who were exposed to radiation as a result of the work (for example, you are working in a nuclear power plant), but also includes individuals who undergo medical procedures such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

3. Unhealthy Habits
Smoking and consuming high amounts of alcohol is one of the causes of blood cancers next. If you have an unhealthy habit of this, immediately reduce or stop.

Tips to Avoid Attacks Blood Cancer

1. Regular Exercise
According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), regular exercise is proven to reduce the risk of cancer. ACS recommends at least 30 minutes a day for exercise, carried out at least five days per week. Exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, strength training, or swimming. 30 minutes per day is a good starting point. Remember that exercise more means better.

2. Diet
The scientists also noted that a healthy diet can help prevent the development of cancer, including cancer of the blood. Multiply that eating foods rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as minimizing the consumption of fat - especially animal fat.

Keep your weight on the ideal or normal conditions. Remember that obesity is a risk factor that can increase your chances of getting cancer. You can also avoid the consumption of canned food. Try to prefer fresh food.

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