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Treating Flu With Fruits

Treating Flu With Fruits - In order not to catch cold, maintaining the health and stamina is very necessary, especially when going on unpredictable weather changes.
Nutrition consultant homecare Jogja, Estu Nur said, some pieces have special properties to prevent the spread of influenza virus. The content of vitamins in fruit can help ward off the flu that will attack. Vitamins contained in fruit may also help the body fight viruses and bacteria that invade the body. Because the vitamin in certain fruits can improve the immune system.

Treating Flu With Fruits


The most popular fruits with high antioxidant content is apple. It contains about 1,500 mg of vitamin C that the body needs. There are also flavonoids that help prevent cancer and heart disease.


The tropical fruit that is found to contain approximately 250% RDA of vitamin C, which helps kick the flu virus out of the body. Beta-carotene, vitamins C and E in the papaya also helps prevent inflammation in the body, especially on the breathing.


Fruit that this may indeed rare in Indonesia. However, in some supermarkets fruit there anyway. This fruit contains vitamin C 5x broccoli. Able to increase the amount of good bacteria in the body, and prevent transmission of the virus through the air.


The fruit is similar to the orange, only bigger and more red meat color. Rich in vitamin C, and contains substances called limonoids which serves to lower cholesterol. The red color in the flesh is the best source of nutrition for cancer.
The content of vitamin C as a whole can improve the body's immune system.


Rich in vitamin B6, the banana is in addition can help to overcome the flu also help reduce stress, depression and insomnia. Due to the high content of magnesium are also, bananas help strengthen bones. Potassium itself helps prevent heart disease and keep blood pressure to remain normal.

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